Personal Year 5


Good Afternoon,

This week we are going to be talking about the personal year 5. This is the year of adventure. The last 4 years you have been setting yourself up for one awesome year.  Year one you worked on the stepping-stones needed to get you set up for a great 9-year period. Year two you worked on your relationships. And year three you worked on expressing yourself and being creative. Year 4 was working on commitment to yourself and your goals. This is the year where you can take all you have and work on the ADVENTURE of your life.


This is the year where you will be feeling active. You are going to feel a surge that you can conquer anything and everything. You will need to remember to keep on to your roots because just this shiny new active energy will be urging you to take risks to make sure that these are the risks that still align with who you are and where you are wanting to go. Don’t just think that pivoting would be better not after year 4 and all the commitment you have shown yourself.


The last few years you have been working so hard with finding yourself and working on your relationships. You have worked on communication you have worked on building relationships with strong blocks. Now is the time instead of working you should be able to just enjoy. Everything should be easy. Communication has become second nature. You have watered the seedlings needed to have strong bonds in your relationships. This is the year you get to work on being flexible you can tyr doing different things. Work on different date ideas. Maybe you guys will find a new tradition to add to your repertoire.


 Year 4 you were about looking at the commitment. Last year was a lul in everything. It was cementing the building blocks in place so that you had the pattern, the practice to get everything done. You at this point are a well-oiled machine. You know exactly the steps you need to do to do a good job and accomplish your tasks.  Year 5 is going to feel so fast paced compared to what you were doing last year.

I will caution that this is the year that you are going to want to do all the cool new things and leave your plans and goals behind what you have been working on and striving for. I would caution on pulling stops on all projects just for the new shiny feelings as they may be red herrings.


 This is the year if you do not have a good savings relationship with money you are going to be feeling the sting. This is the year where new distractions are going to come into your life and you are going to remember how last year you waited and that this year you will feel the pull because you deserve it.

I will always say before you by think about the things that you are wanting and needing. Look at the big events that you have planned for the year. Budget for them and remember the small steps needed to accomplish those big goals.


So far in health the last 4 years you have been working on physical and mental health, and even some spiritual as a lot of times mental health and spiritual health intertwine. The good news is that these stepping stones and habits are going to aid you so much in this new year. This is the year where you will be seeing if during the fast-paced-ness of life if the habits and goals and rituals are setting you up for success. This is the time that you are going to want to find forgiveness for your shortcomings. The world is normally fast paced and this year the energy is showing you just how fast paced it can be. Follow the path that you have set up for yourself. You are going to be able to accomplish things you were not quite sure you could.

Final Notes

Year 5 is going to feel like a whirlwind. You are going to want to do all the things you are going to feel more energized. Just remember that the foundation you have worked hard on is strong and that you are accomplishing your goals. Do not get distracted by the shiny red herrings that are wanting to pull you off track but at the same time don’t forget to have your adventures because even small golden moments could make beautiful memories and life changing events.


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